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Microsoft Security Essentials Alert

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This little snot of malware is kicking my butt at every attempt.

Last time I was able to get into the command prompt and get into the regisitry,

but this little bugger stops everything.

I understand that malwarebytes doesn't go live, but I cannot get into the registry,

I cannot delete this file in safe mode or regular mode

any thing I enter in command.com get redirect to cmd.exe and it shutdowns.

Honestly I am out of ideas. Currently I am using Hirens Live Cd and running DR web, not sure how great that will work,

but I am open for options on how to remove Microsoft Security Essentials Alert and than run Malwarebytes for a full scan.


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Hi shennberry,

Please read through this removal guide, and see if it helps:


The difficult thing is getting any program that is helpful to run because the infection blocks just about everything.

If You have a clean computer it may be helpful to download the "tools" onto a USB flash drive, renaming each one as You download and then transfer to the infected PC.

You said You are trying to delete a file - which one are You trying to delete?

Anyway, You can post your Dr Web log here after You get it, if you're able to save it from your Hiram's CD.

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Hi shennberry,

Please read through this removal guide, and see if it helps:


The difficult thing is getting any program that is helpful to run because the infection blocks just about everything.

If You have a clean computer it may be helpful to download the "tools" onto a USB flash drive, renaming each one as You download and then transfer to the infected PC.

Anyway, You can post your Dr Web log here after You get it, if you're able to save it from your Hiram's CD.

It was antispy.

Dr. Webb removed the dll file that was in system32, but didn't remove everything associated with the virus/spyware.

After using Dr. Webb, I thought I would be able to install Malware Bytes, but I am getting the uncommon error of it not finding the drivers mbam .sys and the swiss army one.

But I have removed the reg keys and the associating files, just to bad I still can't get malewarebytes up and running, so I still might be infected just a little bit.

But for the most part problem solved.


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Well, that's progress. Try following the steps in the guide especially running rkill using the renamed version and then try to install MBAM again using the randomly named EXE replacement of mbam.exe as discussed in the article. You have to use tricks to circumvent the blocking that this infection creates.

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