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Steps to "get started" with the retail version?

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I just want to check that I understand this correctly?

..or areany of the below steps redundant.

Once you have *activated* the software, the user should/needs to manually configure three things:

1) Enable the real time monitoring feature you just paid for (checkbox)

2) Schedule updating of the software

3) Schedule scanning of the machine

The issue/ question I have I suppose -- is that I do tell users to buy it, but it seems a bit daunting for them to do these things by themselves.

The software doesn't configure any of the steps mentioned above by itself "auto-magically"?


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In one word, YES, that is what you need to do once you have activated the full version....

Someone has recently suggested this to be configured automatically already as discussed HERE, we will see what the developers think about it. It is hard to guess what most folks want as far as the schedule, some folks want scans in the evening others in the morning, maybe they can find a happy medium.

Then again, if they are there by default, some folks will not want them there, cause they would have to go and delete them before they can schedule thiers to their liking....

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The scheduler currently does require setting it up manually, however, as of version 1.47 it will automatically schedule updates if none are currently scheduled.

With regards to protection, if it isn't enabled after registration, it will automatically be enabled and run at startup after the user next reboots their machine because all of the startup items are enabled by default.

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