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Will the digital world be destroyed in 2012?


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Here's a high rated youtube comment

"The Mayan calendar does not predict the end of the world. It only ends on the date of the 2012 Winter Solstice, aka: the first day of winter. The Mayan calendar was calculated seasonally. The truth is they simply ceased calculating so far ahead. The lack of further calculated dates beyond December 21, 2012 is not proof, does? not predict, that the world will end on that day."

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Here's a high rated youtube comment

"The Mayan calendar does not predict the end of the world. It only ends on the date of the 2012 Winter Solstice, aka: the first day of winter. The Mayan calendar was calculated seasonally. The truth is they simply ceased calculating so far ahead. The lack of further calculated dates beyond December 21, 2012 is not proof, does? not predict, that the world will end on that day."

I know that youtube's place in life is "YouTube is a place to discover, watch, upload and share videos." I don't know that I'd rely on them, or any comment on the site, for any further scientific information than any idiot can have his 15-minutes of fame in video. *shrug*

Just a personal opinion on the website and not any individual,


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May I but in with a bit of physics? xD

This will mainly be due to 'sun spots' and 'solar wind'. [...]

So yes, it will happen. I don't know how long for, this is just my Yr 12 physics speaking :lol: Maybe a person who has studied physics or science on the forum could answer more.

Hope that explains a bit :welcome:

But it is predicted that this future solar flare will allow people as far south as Florida to see the Aurora Borealis normally only seen in the more northern latitudes.


That massive of a flare will kill non-EMP protected satellites (I'd imagine our military satellites are "hardened").. Goodbye cable TV and phone service...


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I saw the Aurora Borealis just west Winnipeg just like ShyWriter's picture way back in the '70s when I was camping out.

Brings back lots of good memories. :welcome:


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Google aurora borealis australia or Aurora Australis

I'll be Ken; I never even thought there might be SOUTHERN lights.. all I ever heard about was the Alaska/Canadian Northern Lights in school... and obviously, thereafter. Guess one learns something new every day even at our age. :welcome:

Okay, so how about the Southern Lights? -- Wikitravel

"Aurorae happen in a circle/ellipse about the South Magnetic Pole just as they do about the north one, and the South Magnetic Pole is similarly offset from the geographic South Pole. Would-be observers of the Southern Lights or Aurora Australis benefit from the happy accident that the offset of the South Magnetic Pole is generally in the direction of Australia, although the Pole itself is still in Antarctica like the geographic one. Tasmania is therefore relatively favored for the Aurora Australis, and southern Australia gets more than its share of Lights relative to latitude. All of the considerations about maximizing your chances of seeing the Northern Lights apply equally to seeing the southern ones."


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The aurora borealis is also called the northern polar lights, as it is only visible in the sky from the Northern Hemisphere, with the chance of visibility increasing with proximity to the North Magnetic Pole.
Its southern counterpart, the aurora australis or the southern polar lights, has similar properties, but is only visible from high southern latitudes in Antarctica, South America, or Australasia. Australis is the Latin word for "of the South."

These are the 2 sections you can see - Generally speaking - Borealis = northern , Australis = southern -

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Design: Take Shelter in a Human Habitrail

Hey Shy - Where can I make a booking :)

Hey John; I'm working on it. As near as I can figure it's going to be about $100,000 US (Gold only; paper money will be worthless) per person per 6 month period but I'll supply all the VELVETTA

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I already have two of them Human Habitrail in my back yard....

If I had the money I'd have a 25-person unit with ALL of the options including the periscope and radar, being buried in the ground *right now*

Already this poor guy...


...is worried about the polar ice melt.. :)


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I quibble with the premise that gold will be the more valuable commodity in a post apocalyptic society. More likely food and seed, weapons for hunting and protection, water purifiers etc. Gold is good for nothing when you are hungry and so are all others, it makes darn poor axes, spear tips, and knives.

There may be a small number of currently very rich people who have hoarded but most will know that their stores are finite and desirable to the masses so will not likely be looking for gold.

Instead, bury two large tanks, one with grain and one of fuel then be ready to defend them :)

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I quibble with the premise that gold will be the more valuable commodity in a post apocalyptic society. More likely food and seed, weapons for hunting and protection, water purifiers etc. Gold is good for nothing when you are hungry and so are all others, it makes darn poor axes, spear tips, and knives.

There may be a small number of currently very rich people who have hoarded but most will know that their stores are finite and desirable to the masses so will not likely be looking for gold.

Instead, bury two large tanks, one with grain and one of fuel then be ready to defend them :)

Wayne; I already have all the food, water, gas, weaponry, etc, et al *IN* my shelter.. And Gold doesn't rot, dry up and have disease; and eventually it will BUY more goods - I'm afraid one can't disavow History.. and Gold.. and mankind's search for it. :)


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