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Fan question


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So I have an old 120mm, 12VDC, 0.5A, 3pin, NMB SmartFanfan I'd like to install as an intake in the front of my PC.

1) Can I use a 3pin to 4pin molex adapter? I want the PSU's 4pin "fan-only" connectors to regulate this fan. Plus I dont have any extra motherboard 3pin plugs left AND the cord on this fan is super short. Like 2 inches.

2) Does it matter if the intake fan has higher CFM than the other case fan under the PSU thats blowing air out? Its only a 80mm, so I am guessing it moves less air...

3) My power supply (Antec TP3 550w) has those "fan-only" plugs; how do I know whether they are suitable for the 500mA NMB? The user manual doesnt specify. The "Fan-only" plugs would have to be at least 500mA, where more is ok, right? I am guessing the fan only plugs are 12v....

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Most fans and their plugs are 12v - Always be careful that there is an earth wire attached -

Can you get a 3pin to 4pin molex adapter to suit your situation or are you only guessing ??

Personally I would have someone look at the setup you want to use , prior to shorting out your PSU -

Thank You (Be careful of these situations) -

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Most fans and their plugs are 12v - Always be careful that there is an earth wire attached -

Can you get a 3pin to 4pin molex adapter to suit your situation or are you only guessing ??

Personally I would have someone look at the setup you want to use , prior to shorting out your PSU -

Thank You (Be careful of these situations) -

Ok I will look into that, thanks for the heads up.


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