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I've been having spyware issues on laptop ever since moving to a new location with new ISP (never had them before moving). I've been running MBAM but am still getting tons of google search redirects (MBAM always finds trojans and removes them, but they are always back the next time).

So today, I've gotten to where IE will not open up at all and instantly crashes with a blue screen that shuts down the laptop.

Also, MBAM won't open and just brings up a "run-time error" box.

I'm posting from my work computer. I was able to download firefox to my work computer and installed it on my home laptop so that I can browse, but I can't figure out how to download anything using firefox.

Sorry, so many problems, but my situation just keeps getting worse I guess!

Any suggestions on where I should start?

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Hello TKA175: :blink:

Sorry to hear that your system is infected. Please read and follow the instructions in I'm infected - What do I do now? An Expert will assist you in removal process. Should you have any other question(s) please post back

Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

Thank you. I am following the instructions in the post as you indicated, but I don't think defrogger worked (step #2) worked. I was agle get it to load and is said "finished" but I was never prompted by a restart.

Should I post my defrogger log here?

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