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How you research malware?

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Hi, I am new at this forum, but I'm using MBAM for a long time...I must say it is fantastic software, against all kinds of malware, adware, spyware, trojans...

Thanks to MBAM team for everyday updates.

But i have one question...

How someone (antimalware team, antivirus team...etc) can research malware, how it works? I am AV reviewer, but i never know how can someone research malware or viruses? Im very interested in that. You research it viewing a wrong code or what? I really wanna know that because im interested in defense against cybercrime and viruses (i have MSCA)

Thanks a lot! :blink:

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I am AV reviewer, but i never know how can someone research malware or viruses? Im very interested in that. You research it viewing a wrong code or what? I really wanna know that because im interested in defense against cybercrime and viruses (i have MSCA)

I find it hard to think of you as a reviewer when you do not know of any processes used in the industry for malware research ??

This is like a food reviewer not knowing of any cooking methods , or how to use spices in dishes -

Do you know about Bill Gates and Microsoft , or have you not got to that stage in any of your research yet ??

Sorry , you lost me -

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You don't understand me. I am not a professional AV reviewer, im reviewing AV software (testing on own machine includes all AV parameters such detection, system resourses etc.). If i know something i dont post question here - logic.

If you be patient to answer me on my question, it will be good. If not, im waiting for someone other to response on my question.


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Guest remixed

Hello DestroyMalware and welcome to Malwarebytes. Personally i'm not in favour of questioning new members credentials. I'm sure that a member with experience of building the expertise you seek will respond more positively :blink:

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MSCA stands for Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator.(Unless you have some other degree?)

I am sorry if I was a bit ........... last time , but I thought you would have had some instruction in regards to your question -

There is usually a section of your training that shows you how A/V and A/Malware programs work -

We have collected a database of known (and personally found) infections and apply our software to recognise these items -

The actual methods used in the program are not disclosed , but once an item is found it is basically removed from the memory of the computer -

The same basic methods apply to all A/V and A/M programs - It is only in the recognising of True infections that programs vary -

That is why some produce more F/P (False Positive) readings than others and some are more accurate than others -

Thank you for asking -

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Hi DestroyMalware and welcome to malwarebytes.:)

Malware is a bit dangerous to research so I would recommend tools like Comodo Time Machine/Back up, Returnil Home Edition and Sandboxie to secure your system. Now for malware I would use Froistwire/Limewire for collection(I use Froistwire) and sites like malwaredomainlist.com hosts-file.net . Virtualbox also works as a virtual machine to run another copy of windows to infect without you getting infected.:blink:

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Hi again -

We do not release any infections/Malware to people in general -This is for our programmers only -

There is already enough malware out there for us to fight without releasing samples to unknown new members at this time -

Our researchers have enough problems getting the samples in the wild without passing them out -

You are about 2 years away from doing basic research into this subject yet -

The list at the bottom of This Page contains schools that you can contact for further training -

Thank You for your enquiries -

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