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Swag request.


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I'm still waiting on the availability of MBAM baseball caps and hoodies. I'll pay top dollar, I don't care what it costs :P.

Mr. S.E.Lindsey, I cannot possibly see you in a hoodie; I have enough trouble stretching the mind to seeing you in a baseball cap. :blink:

Now how about a nice pristine white shirt (pure cotton, and non-iron if need be :blink:) with classical 45-degree collar and a navy tie (semi-Windsor knot please) with the MBAM logo stiched in premium silk in either white or scarlet? Much cooler :P

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Mr. S.E.Lindsey, I cannot possibly see you in a hoodie; I have enough trouble stretching the mind to seeing you in a baseball cap. :blink:

Now how about a nice pristine white shirt (pure cotton, and non-iron if need be :blink:) with classical 45-degree collar and a navy tie (semi-Windsor knot please) with the MBAM logo stiched in premium silk in either white or scarlet? Much cooler :)

:P, not really my style. I'm only 30, I have a Fu Manchu Moustache and I recently shaved my head as my receding hairline became too much to bare and I prefer a bald head to a circumference of hair around a forehead that goes all the way to the top of my head :P.

I wear my Tool baseball cap all the time that I bought when I saw them in concert on their Lateralus tour (best concert I've ever seen) and a black hoodie would suit my style perfectly :P.

Red and black are pretty much my favorite combination of colors, so I'd prefer stuff modeled to match our program logo rather than the company logo of blue, white and black.

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:blink:, not really my style. I'm only 30, I have a Fu Manchu Moustache and I recently shaved my head as my receding hairline became too much to bare and I prefer a bald head to a circumference of hair around a forehead that goes all the way to the top of my head :blink:.

I wear my Tool baseball cap all the time that I bought when I saw them in concert on their Lateralus tour (best concert I've ever seen) and a black hoodie would suit my style perfectly :P.

Red and black are pretty much my favorite combination of colors, so I'd prefer stuff modeled to match our program logo rather than the company logo of blue, white and black.

I'm 65 and have a full head of hair thanks to my dad albeit its gray and not as rich and famous as some. :P

I do have a moustache though.


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Exile, you've gone up in my estimation; I'll let you off not wearing a classic conservative white shirt, you cool dude :blink:

[i still reckon a semi-windsor knot on a classy silk tie round a neck clad with nothing else bar a rocker's T-shirt will enhance your image, :blink:]

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Exile, you've gone up in my estimation; I'll let you off not wearing a classic conservative white shirt, you cool dude :P

[i still reckon a semi-windsor knot on a classy silk tie round a neck clad with nothing else bar a rocker's T-shirt will enhance your image, :P]

I'm still trying to match my preconceived my idea of what Samuel looked like with the new knowledge of the shaved head with the Fu Manchu moustache.. :blink:

And the band -- RzZ6k.jpg -- TOOL



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Yay, Mbam gear riot :blink:

I am a big fan of black and red too, a black hoodie (I prefer zip-up) with the red M logo either on the front or the back would be awesome :blink:

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:), not really my style. I'm only 30, I have a Fu Manchu Moustache and I recently shaved my head as my receding hairline became too much to bare and I prefer a bald head to a circumference of hair around a forehead that goes all the way to the top of my head :).

I wear my Tool baseball cap all the time that I bought when I saw them in concert on their Lateralus tour (best concert I've ever seen) and a black hoodie would suit my style perfectly :).

Red and black are pretty much my favorite combination of colors, so I'd prefer stuff modeled to match our program logo rather than the company logo of blue, white and black.

Tool is awesome- Lateralus was one of my favorite concerts, and I saw them twice on their last tour (10,000 Days). As pathetic as this may sound I've seen Maynard in concert five times (twice with A Perfect Circle, three with Tool).

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To be more specific about my personal preferences, similarly to what others have said, I would like to see a black t-shirt with the red and white MBAM "M" or a similar hoodie.

the shoes are in.... think about it :)

EDIT black & red is fine, what color shoe laces?

Actually black and red with white laces would be interesting; the laces almost make an M on their own... :)

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I have a 2nd generation nano and am looking at getting a new nano soon (5th gen). An Mbam silicone sleeve or similar would be sweet.

haha well I can wish can't I? ;) I already have plenty of PJ's though, but it would be cool ;)

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Guest garybear

Hi! I'm fairly new to this forum. I like all your ideas. I'm 72 and I have all my hair. My moms dad was bald, but my dad 's dad had a full head of hair. Sorry about your theory. Any way I'm just posting so I can get my edit button. I'm real close. :) :) Sorry about being off topic. Won't let that happen again :)


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