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How do I post a screenshot?


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My sister called me earlier today and said she is receiving assistance removing some malware in the Malware Removal - Hijack this Forum. The person helping her asked her to post a screenshot. She couldn't figure out how to do it so she called me. I thought it would be very simple, just Prt Scrn and paste but I can't seem to figure it out either. What am I missing.


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Thanks for the reply,

I can copy the screenshot to the clipboard but I still can't figure out how to paste it to the forum. I can paste it almost anywhere else but paste is not an option when posting or replying here in the forum. When I try to use insert image it asks for the URL for the image. I am not sure how to proceed.

Thanks again for any direction you can give me.

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Your going to have to paste the image in a paint document or other digital painting program in order to upload the image onto the forum. Just do a search for "Paint" by hitting Ctrl+F in "My Computer" and click on the executable or link file that shows up.

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Beware that PicPick is loaded with Ask.com Toolbar pre-selected in Best Free Screen Capture Utility from AdvancedSetup's post.

On my XP Pro system I use

MWSnap is a small yet powerful Windows program for snapping (capturing) images from selected parts of the screen.

Current version is capable of capturing the whole desktop, a highlighted window, an active menu, a control, or a fixed or free rectangular part of the screen. MWSnap handles 5 most popular graphics formats and contains several graphical tools: a zoom, a ruler, a color picker and a window spy. It can be also used as a fast picture viewer or converter.

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