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Event Viewer Issues


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Hi Trav -

Please try running a FULL disk check on the drive and see if that helps.

This is for Vista but the same method is valid for Windows 7

How to Run Check Disk at Startup in Vista <===

Basically you need to start an Administrative/Elevated DOS prompt and the run


Tell it yes to run it on reboot and then reboot and let it check the drive.

Thank You -

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This is the same system, but I ended up overwriting all data on the drive and reinstalling my operating system over any malicious data that might have existed. Unless there is malware that can survive a complete OS reinstallation that problem has been resolved.

I ran diskchk on my machine in read-only mode to see if it detected any issues and recieved the following response:


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I did a complete update of the system just two days ago, but now a more severe issue has manifest. Tonight my computer began spewing smoke out of its insides without warning. I have no intentions of booting up that machine until I have it looked at in a hardware shop, I'm using a computer lab machine to make this post.

I'm really just blown out of the water, see this coming I did not.

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