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Technical & Moral Terms of Service question

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I just purchased your product here, and I called the order line - the guy there siad I should email you with this question at Support@MaleWareBytes.com, so I did, but I figured I'd ask here too, so here goes...

Would it violate any Terms of Service for me to install the registration key on the other computer I have? (I sometimes use one computer on my desktop -and sometimes use the other -occasionally, one is in the shop: That's why I have 2 computers. --what does the licence allow -and would I be able to install it anyhow, if I tried?)

I don't plan to give the key to all my friends to give them a free paid copy, but I imagine I might be able to if the system does not check for this. (Does it?)

I am asking because I am honest -plus I don't want to violate the Termos of Service.

Thank you,

Gordon Wayne Watts

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I am sure that it is technologically possible for MaleWareBytes to create a digital signature of the computer on which I placed my registered copy & make sure there are not multiple simultaneous registred products in use -and, of course, that would be honest & make good business sense. -- As Spock would say ... 'fascinating' --and he would add that it is probably a logical course of action to do nothing while my one computer is working, and to not cross that bridge until or unless I come to is and just save my product key & my credit card transaction receipt.

Does my logic seem reasonable? PS: Thx for the quick and apparently very reliable reply, as your forum profile (number of posts & style of profile) would indicate you're up-to-date on this subject.


Hello and ;)

One key per computer only..... The key is good for a lifetime on one computer at a time. You can transfer it from one computer to the other. If you try to install it on more than one computer with the same key, it will eventually fail and get blacklisted.

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One other dumb question - can I edit my post to fix a typographical error? (No biggie, but I was just curious -when I posted & then couldn't find an 'edit' or 'modify' post button or link option.)



I am sure that it is technologically possible for MaleWareBytes to create a digital signature of the computer on which I placed my registered copy & make sure there are not multiple simultaneous registred products in use -and, of course, that would be honest & make good business sense. -- As Spock would say ... 'fascinating' --and he would add that it is probably a logical course of action to do nothing while my one computer is working, and to not cross that bridge until or unless I come to is and just save my product key & my credit card transaction receipt.

Does my logic seem reasonable? PS: Thx for the quick and apparently very reliable reply, as your forum profile (number of posts & style of profile) would indicate you're up-to-date on this subject.


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