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BSOD while AFK


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BOSD again.

I just clean my desktop comp then turn it on. It was running after 10min It got BSOD.

After the BSOD no display monitor.

The Mobo has 2 slot for ram and just insert to the different slot with same 512mb ram.

And it works but Im still observing now.

What guys you guess? Memory issues?

Here is is BSOD number.


STOP:0X0000007A(0XE184DD00, 0XC000000E, 0XBF910822, 0X04A38860)

Win32k.sys - Address BF910822 BASE AT BF80000, DATEST amp 48025829

I hope i didnt miss the error codes because i was writing fast.

Im very sure its not virus because virus or malware wont disable monitor display. Its a hardware issues.

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For almost 2 months no BSOD.

But today it create a BSOD again but now no minidump file.

I just clean dekstop pc on October 27. No BSOD.

On Oct 28 no BSOD.

Today got a BSOD again. coincidence again after cleaning?

I only user blower but the fan speed is normal only. Didnt touch anything.

Please check the upload minidump because im still having BSOD.

Anyone? :)

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Welcome to Malwarebytes!

These are hardware errors, If this is the first time you have booted after installing new hardware, remove the hardware and boot again. Check the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List to verify that the hardware and its drivers are compatible with Windows xp

For information about the hardware, contact the supplier. If the message continues to appear, select the Last Known Good option when you reboot. If there is no Last Known Good configuration, try using the Emergency Repair Disk. If you do not have an Emergency Repair Disk. well lets see how you do with the above?

Maybe someone else has some ideas, besides what I pulled up.. regards...

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What I did when I received a BSOD on my XP Pro system

How to invoke memory dump creation?


When asked to create a memory dump (usually because of hanged avast! program), please follow these instructions.

Open regedit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters and add a new DWORD value called "CrashOnCtrlScroll" (no quotation marks). Make its value 1 (one).

Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Startup and Recovery settings, and make sure the machine is set to generate COMPLETE memory dump (in the Write Debugging Information section).

Reboot the machine.

When the computer restarts wait for the problem to occur.

When the problem is simulated (i.e. the machine is "dead"), do the following: while holding down the _right_ CTRL key, press the SCROLL-LOCK key twice. This should cause the machine to "blue-screen", and start generating the dump.

If the machine doesn't restart on its own (when the dump writing is complete), restart it.

The best thing I did was to upgrade to 1.5GB RAM on my XP Pro system.

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This BSOD can be "decrypted" using the second parameter 0xE, this means the device specified was not found.

I had this BSOD once during the summer... it was my hard drive that had started to fail. But others have also reported that RAM modules can cause these problems.

This may not be the reason for your problems but it's a good idea to check it.

I suggest that you run some kind of HD diagnostics program (I like SeaTools).

Do a full scan, don't run any other programs while scanning, it can mess up the detection of bad blocks.

Also run Memtest86+ (Use the bootable ISO download)

Burn the ISO with your favorite burning program, reboot and boot from CD, let it run at least 10 passes.

Sometimes RAM can be "dodgy" so you may want to run the test for each stick individually. [Only having one RAM stick in the PC at the time]

Always when touching stuff inside your PC remember to ground yourself either by touching a radiator (electrical radiators don't count) or by using an ESD bracelet / carpet.

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With the error message there are times when it is easier to diagnose the main error problem and not always the full message -

STOP:0X0000007A(0XE184DD00, 0XC000000E, 0XBF910822, 0X04A38860) - This has too much in it -

STOP:0X0000007A - Start with this section of the error first , then expand on it from there -

Blue Screen 0x0000007A - Windows XP Support


Start Here and read some of these problems and fixes - Includes a link to M/soft Memory Testing etc. -

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Sory for delay.

Actually this problem is very long long time about 3 years and it has only random chance getting that BSOD.

This year only got plenty of BSOD.. So i try to post here for assistance.


I just swap my other memory 1 gig and observe for a week or a month.

I'll post here if a got BSOD again.

Tnx for the time.

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