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File Assassin and Locked Files

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Hi, friends.

I am a new user of Malwarebytes and not yet accustomed to understanding some terms and handling problems. In the section "other tools" there is the "FileASSASSIN" which can delete "Locked Files". (As I have not the english version, the terms may be not the proper ones). Please, help me to understand:

-What is a Locked File (or Locked Item or Folder)

-How can I detect if there are such files in my system

-How can I recognise if these are malicious ones in order to remove them

I woud be grateful if you could give me your help. Ariaki.

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-What is a Locked File (or Locked Item or Folder)

-How can I detect if there are such files in my system

-How can I recognise if these are malicious ones in order to remove them

I woud be grateful if you could give me your help. Ariaki.

Hello and :)

- A locked file is a file that can not be deleted, or locked by windows so no actions can be taken against it. It is normal to have locked files in your system (although sometimes malware will lock a file so that you can not delete it to keep you from removing an infection).

-If you install Malwarebytes and update it and run a quick scan it can detect to see if you have any malware on your computer.

- Running a scan can tell you if they are malicious.

If you need help with running Malwarebytes let us know.

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