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operating system not detected?


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My ibm laptop started freezing on me, and had to be shut down by power button before it would work again, and this happened a few times over a few days, then my friend looked over it and tried downloading XP's sp3 onto it but it froze halfway through, and since then whenever i try to switch it on it comes up with no operating system detected, before i get to the point where i can go into safe mode or anything. I do have an access ibm button which i have used before to restore to factory settings, but it comes up with something different now. It was something like boot from a temporary device, start as normal or another option i cant remember. I have restored bios settings to defaults, and thats about all i can do with it at the moment.

I was just wondering if anyone has come accross this before and if it is fixable.

Thank you much in advance

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