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Verify Malwarebytes Exe/Rules not corrupt at runtime

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After Malwarebytes has been installed, is there a way to verify that the executable version run from the Start Menu has not been infected or corrupted since installation? I wonder if there is something like an MD5 checksum (used to confirm downloads) that can be used to verify the relevant malwarebyte files at runtime.


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Well, I guess my real question is...

Once malwarebytes is installed on a given computer, there may be "opportunities" for its executable and/or rule sets to be altered (or even replaced) by malware in the interim before the next scan is performed. Is there a simple way to know that something had or had not hijacked malwarebytes? One could always manually do an MD5 checksum of the relevant installed files (whatever they might be) and save the results immediately after installation for comparison at a later date. Or, would it be better to just reinstall a fresh copy of malwarebytes if there is any question of the validity of the installation?


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