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Hi -

If you can follow these directions it should solve your problem -

Show Hidden Files and Folders in Windows Vista and Windows 7:

  • Click on the Start vista-7-start.png button and select Computer
  • Press the Alt key on your keyboard and click on Tools
  • Select Folder Options
  • Click the View tab and make sure that Show hidden files and folders is selected under Hidden files and folders
  • Next, uncheck the box next to Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)
  • Then, uncheck the box next to Hide extensions for known filetypes
  • Click Apply then click OK

Then go to C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and delete rules.ref. Once you've done that, start MBAM and when it shows the error and asks to update, let it do so and see if that corrects it.

Reset Hidden Files and Folders in Windows Vista and Windows 7:

  • Click on the Start vista-7-start.png button and select Computer
  • Press the Alt key on your keyboard and click on Tools
  • Select Folder Options
  • Click the View tab and make sure that Do not show hidden files and folders is selected under Hidden files and folders
  • Next, check the box next to Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)
  • Then, check the box next to Hide extensions for known filetypes
  • Click Apply then click OK

Thank You -

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I was having the same problem: Error_load_database (0,5)

The solution for me was to allow Malwarebytes thru Windows 7 firewall.

Click "Start"

Type: Firewall

Select: Allow Program thru Firewall

Click on: Allow another Program

Scroll to: Malwarebytes' AntiMalware

Click: Add

Check "Public"

Click on: "Save Changes"

Exit program.

Update in MalwareBytes and scan.

Worked for me. It may work for you.

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i been with MBAM since the beginning i have never had a problem with data base updating till version 1.46 i have done what noknojon said to do and it works for maybe a few weeks or so . i use mbam once a week to make sure my computer is clean or if i need to scan a file to make sure its clean,it got to the point i just uninstall and reinstall i hope this can be fix with a new version , i do also have to say this computer that it happening on is xp and my other machine windows 7 64 bit it has never happen to so maybe it is a problem with xp with this version because like i said never had this problem never

thanks mrgigabyte

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why would it be happen-in now though nothing has change with my internet connection and why would the other machines in my home be just fine its only the xp machine the others are 7 32 and 64 and vista

This usually happens if your download of the update to malwarebytes database file gets corrupt during the update. I do not think its a bug in the program but rather a hickup in the internet connection.....
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There are too may what if's and possiblilities... faultly network cable, faulty network card, faulty wireless card, bad memory on the computer just to name a few....

Without running some diagnostics on that computer its hard to tell....

For example, I have this one computer I was working on this week, no matter what the user did the computer keep running slow, locking up, and got blue screens.....

After doing some diagnostics, I found the processor fan was not blowing enough so the processor was overheating...... who would of thought to check that but I happened to open the case to check the motherboard and saw the fan was not blowing right.... Once the fan was replaced, the computer runs great.

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