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This is on two computers in my home


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Your image stops long before the "h"s so I am not sure what you are showing me.

i dont have your path in my c drive

We are not on the same page here as I am showing you your path on your system:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hosts (Trojan.Agent) -> No action taken. [EFBE367C363874F132B3BCC49E1EEAD0]
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I see what you are missing here:

Files Infected:


Your log clearly shows a file being detected, not a folder. Do not be confused by the lack of an extension, those are only for visual aid, they do not actually even exist within the file structure. You can even name a folder file.exe and it is still just a folder.

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OK that is definitely not a copy of your hosts file and should not be there. You mentioned that this was on 2 computers, any idea what created these?

This not a typical windows file (if it was potentially millions of people would be affected and reporting this here with you) so something you are using (intentionally or not) is creating it.

If you do not know where this came from I would start by doing a cut and paste to move it someplace else and reboot. If using your regular software does not recreate the file just leave it removed.

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