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Firefox hogging mega memory

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I went into my WinXP task manager to see if I could identify processes that don't need to be running, and saw that Firefox was taking up 237MB of memory; one of the biggest memory hogs on the list! Also, I've had two experiences recently where I left Firefox running during the day while I was at work, came back and saw a system warning that my C drive was running out of space. Had to reboot and the problem was gone. What's going on?

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Hi okieseeker -

Your version of Firefox may be corrupted - Please uninstall it from Control Panel Add/Remove -

Then if you wish to reinstall you can do it from any major D/load site - Make sure you have IE 7 or 8 installed first -

I always have ORCA browser installed in case my other browser is playing up -

Thank You -

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I went into my WinXP task manager to see if I could identify processes that don't need to be running, and saw that Firefox was taking up 237MB of memory; one of the biggest memory hogs on the list! Also, I've had two experiences recently where I left Firefox running during the day while I was at work, came back and saw a system warning that my C drive was running out of space. Had to reboot and the problem was gone. What's going on?

If you're using Firefox 3.6.6, 3.6.7 or 3.6.8 I have a similar problem. My computer has plenty of RAM and disk space (350 GIGS *free*) and if I start Firefox at 9AM and leave it on all day by 5PM my whole computer is locking up - Task Manager | FireFox.exe | End Process Tree is the only way I can close Firefox and "unlock" the computer. While the computer IS locked up my resource indicators show I'm only using about 20% of both cores of my 2.6 gig CPU and only 50% of my RAM. As soon as Firefox is "killed", all is OK.. I then restart Firefox and am OK until I go to bed at 2AM. I'm inclined to believe it is a PURE Firefox problem and hopefully 4.0.1 when released will fix the problem. :P Instead of rebooting and losing your work-in-progress just try killing Firefox with Task Manager next time; wait 20 seconds and then reload Firefox.

One can only hope.. :P



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Yeah Firefox can be quite the little resource hog, the newest version of Firefox was supposed to correct this but eh, not necessarily for everyone. Mine runs at about 190,000 K usually, although checking Task Manager just now, it's running at about 45,000 K, at least for the moment. Then again, I only have two tabs open right now. Usually I have at least 4 tabs open. Also if I am watching something on Netflix or Hulu or another site, the memory usage climbs quite a bit, sometimes reaching up to 230,000 K or so.

It is a good idea to close it when you are not using it, but if you must save what you've opened, open a second tab (even if you don't need to) leave it blank, then close out. Firefox should ask you if you want to save your tabs for later and quit or just quit. Choose save and quit. I noticed though that you can't have the history automatically clean when you close the browser in order for your tabs to save though, at least on my machine.

I don't have my history automatically clean, partially for that reason. I do use CCleaner at least once a day though, followed by ATF Cleaner, so not having it clear the history when I close Firefox is not a big deal to me.

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Does everyone else using Firefox get the "You have a PM" pop-up

Where? On the forum here? I don't, no. I don't know if you are supposed to or not. I've never heard of it before.

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I always get mine as I have Yahoo Messenger installed - All PM's go there first -

Then this tells me if any email is in my box - :P

@ okieseeker - Have you used I.Explorer for a while and seen if you have the same problems -

Can you also list your A/Virus and Firewall programs and we may be able to help -

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Where? On the forum here? I don't, no. I don't know if you are supposed to or not. I've never heard of it before.

Notification of PM while on Forum...

Mind like a rusty bear trap - doesn't always work but when I remember something; *snap* :P


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@ Shy

Ah ha!!

::goes and checks settings::

I have the notifications enabled :P When I have a new message, when I look up (at the upper right of the page), even if I haven't refreshed the page yet (or so it seems) it says 1 New Messages, 2 New Messages, etc... but nothing actually pops up at me.

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I did some research and found out that may also be a result of Firefox conflicting with antivirus and/or firewall software. I'm in the process of creating "exceptions" in my software so it leaves Firefox alone. I'll let you know if this is a solution!

Did your solution help with the problem?

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Where? On the forum here? I don't, no. I don't know if you are supposed to or not. I've never heard of it before.

Did more research - the My Assistant window is supposed to pop up when a new message hits the INBOX. And POPUP BLOCKER is always turned off by me on the MBAM Board.


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I have FF 3.6.8, using 94,000 right now and i have a flash game running along with two other windows.

Wayne; check the difference between our FF usage.. I'm using 3.6.8 as well but on Vista32 dual CPU @ 2.6ghz w/3megs memory and 350 gigs free disk space.. And over a gig in memory usage..


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Wow! Big difference Steve! Still on the sailing game and here as well, now using 110,000.


Of course, it MIGHT be that I have about 30 extensions installed as well.. :):blink: If I'm researching something and writing a message and checking an IP I also have 8-20 tabs/windows open.. I actually wonder more about the page faults (that's the bigger # to the right as you look at the picture of usage).. I understand a page fault is that the program had to go look for something that wasn't in memory.. I've also tried allocating more, and less, cache memory to FF and I've tried both static and let-windows-manage virtual memory. Nothing seems to work. If I don't close FF at least once every 6-8 hours and restart it, eventually FF chokes and I get a NOT RESPONDING..

*sigh* I need a i7-970 with 16 gigs of memory running Win8.. :)


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