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Malwarebytes never finds anything on my computer

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I'm running Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit. For protection (all free versions) I use Malwarebytes, Spybot S & D, Superantispyware, Avast! and Zone Alarm firewall. All the programs usually find something after a scan except Malwarebytes. It has never found anything in the 5 months I've been using it. Would anyone know why this would be or has had the same problem?

Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


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Perhaps you are lucky enough to not be infected with anything other than what your antivirus or other programs find :) Also Malwarebytes does not detect cookies. Is Avast! and/or your other programs finding cookies?

Malwareybtes has not found anything on my machine in months either (actually not in nearly a year now) :) (Only found something a few times, other than that the hits were from benign items that I was testing). I have the paid version, so resident MBAM protection, AV protection, and a large HOSTS file. I keep all my programs up to date and am a careful web user, so with all of that it's unlikely that I'd get infected. Hopefully it's a similar situation for you!

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Thank you :)

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Spybot and Superantispyware both detect cookies (not sure about the rest). Our users did not want this feature as cookies are not malware and multiple applications already deal with cookies including windows itself.

I would need to see scan logs from the others to tell you anything more.

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Spybot and Superantispyware both detect cookies (not sure about the rest). Our users did not want this feature as cookies are not malware and multiple applications already deal with cookies including windows itself.

I would need to see scan logs from the others to tell you anything more.

Thanks for your response. Please note my reply to the post just before yours.


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I did not expect Malwarebytes to detect cookies. Spybot and Superantispyware do that. I also run CCleaner daily which clears out cookies. Like you I keep my definitions up to date and am a careful web user. So perhaps the other programs are clearing anything dangerous out in advance of Malwarebytes. I appreciate your response. It was both helpful and reassuring.


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That's alright, I wasn't sure if you thought that Mbam would detect cookies or not, that's why I asked. :P

Hopefully you aren't getting anything dangerous caught in your scans & removals. What kinds of things is it finding, if I may ask?

If you are unsure though or you want to check to see if you are clean; I am pasting my canned message below:

Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

Please note that it may take 48 hours or more for you to receive a response in the malware removal forum, as it is often busy at times. Please do not reply to your own post asking for help unless its been more than 48 hours since you originally posted, as this can make it appear as though you are being helped and take longer for you to get help.

If you are unable to do all or any of the steps in the link to the directions above, just post your problem into the forum I gave you a link to anyway and someone will be able to assist you.

Also, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button located at the bottom of the page, as this makes the forum easier to read.

After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post.

Thank you :P

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