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new skin(s)... please

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I use and appreciate the free version (1.46) every week. Looking today at the main website I found a beautiful, sleek graphic design with a spiffy color scheme. This forum looks nice too. Could we have the software UI itself look as good? Sorry to be so blunt - and tastes vary of course - but as is, Malwarebytes' appearance is archaic and fugly.

Maybe not just a facelift for the next version - is one imminent?? - but the ability to choose from several skins would be worthwhile. Agreed, this is not an issue of good functioning. But presentation does count for something.

Thanks, from a retired graphic designer.

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Hi pixelwizard and welcome to malwarebytes.:P

The design is meant to be simple and easy to use. Security these days have many advanced features. Unfortunately, sometimes they don't focus on making it user friendly. Malwarebytes' on the other hand keep it plain and hasn't made any major changes. I don't see this happening in the future. But I'm not an employee so I don't know what they have planned.

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Personally I think a new look would be nice and I wouldn't mind it, but to be perfectly honest I don't care if there's a new look or not. It's nice and basic and EXTREMELY easy to use, which is really important. :P

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I understand why the developers haven't put too much into modifying the user interface given how busy they are constantly working on the program itself to make it more effective, but I agree, a customizable UI would be sweet. Mine would certainly have to be red and black :P.

Though I doubt they'd have time to implement it any time soon, I'll go ahead and pass this suggestion on to the developers, maybe they can at least put it on the back burner for consideration :P.

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Just clarifying - simple is fine. It's the MWB banner across the top that is oppressive/clunky and looks like the Age of Win98. Even merely replacing this one element with something updated and sleek (e.g. something that looks like it belongs with the very nice, blue-themed MWB website, the logos on which do not resemble the banner at all) would shut me up!

Being user-skinnable is not as high a priority. Thanks for 'listening.'

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