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Google never loads, plus DDS script block problem

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A while ago, Google links would always redirect me. I fixed that problem after I ran malwarebytes, but now Google never loads at all. I always get "The connection has timed out" when I try to load it. Also google-related things (such as the Security Confirmation code string when registering an account at malwarebytes forums) don't load. The Yahoo search also times out, though the main page and mail still work fine. On other computers in the house these things are not an issue and work fine.

But, while following the steps in the sticky'd thread "I'm infected - What do I do now?", I installed and tried to run DDS. I got a script block error from Symantec. I don't have any Symantec or Norton software in my Programs list, and am not sure how to turn script blocking off. So I decided to run computer searches of the terms "symantec" and "norton". I came up with all kinds of files and folders with Symantec and Norton file names, and am not sure why they are still on my computer since Norton Anti-Virus is not on the installed Program list in my Control Panel.

What should I do with all these Norton and Symantec files & why are they on my computer when Norton is not in my Programs list? how do I turn off Symantec script blocking?

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