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Error Code 716 (2.0)

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I received the above error code awhile ago when attempting to update MBAM. Since this is the third time that this has happened I know I can download and install the program again and it will work fine for awhile. But I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen and what might be causing it. Thanks for any help.

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I'm on dialup in an older apartment building...30 something year old phone lines, so it might have dropped out momentarily, but if I remember correctly, the connection was still active. The weird thing is that although the system shows the program is still installed, pressing the MBAM icon doesn't bring anything up except the error message. I have infrequently had problems with some other security programs updating and get error messages which say that they can't connect properly, although I am able to do some lengthly downloads of other files. That hasn't happened too often though. Probably some noise or inteference on the phone lines, don't know if upgrading to broadband would help.

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