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scanning stops

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Hello Joe,

One can only prompt you to give bit more details.

What else is running (other apps) when MBAM scans?

What AV is installed? version & is it up-to-date

Also, you need to provide the full path to the file you mention (your post has it "chopped" )

How "long" did you wait before deciding that MBAM was "stuck" ?

Windows version / edition? 32-bit or 64-bit ?

Did you logoff and restart the system, and then re-try the scan? (i.e. after a fresh restart)

Lastly, depending on the installed antivirus program on your system, see the following topic (and the relevant sections ! ) on how to "exclude MBAM components" from the scan mechanism of your AV.


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Hello JoeEF: :) You may also attempt another Quick Scan with (Heuristics Shuriken Disabled) with current definitions (4476)

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on Scanner Settings
  3. Uncheck Enable advanced heuristics engine (Heuristics Shuriken)

Give it a shot and let us know please! Don't forget to include version of Windows, and the locale (e.g. English, Chinese etc), and of course, the database version

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