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Malware -Bundled

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Browsing the net and got hit with [Antimalware Doctor and Security Suite Virus]. After time, it basically locks you out of everything.

I have three accounts on my PC and can't accsess the net because my ''Network Connections'' folder is now empty, on all accounts? I'm locked out basically at 360 degrees. Also, any link that has anything to do with Malwarebytes is locked out as well....Google searches for example. These dudes are brilliant at taking over ones pc, and then some! I have logs for MWB's and HJT and will post once I get an ok. I still have accsess to my other two accounts as of now...but no internet connection is even allowed to be established; I can't build another one. These arse bags simply need to spend time in Jail...enough said. Sorry, I can't affore nearly $200.00 USD on cleaning their crap off my pc.

You simply can't out think these type of programs. You need a script to ''Kill All''. I'm on a Windows based op. sys. XP to be direct with SP3. How does this crap bypass all of our top notch security programs? We must be running crap to begin with. McAfee, Spybot, Ad-Aware and then some. All highly rated software? I think not, even after using it for 10 yrs.. Nothing seems to grab these viruses.

Cleaning them up with MWB outside of safe mode didn't do a thing. I'm aware there is a definate protocol for removing these. Just need the advice so I can remove them both, properly.



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Hi and Welcome Dave -

Please follow the instructions below and for our usual fee (FREE) we will assist you to remove the problems - Just please be patient as we get busy at times -

As we do not work on Malware removal or diagnostics in the general forums please follow these directions -

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