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MBAM UI always topmost

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This problem only started to happen this today.

When MBAM is open (scanning or not), it always remains as the topmost window and covers up other windows. Clicking other windows doesn't help. I have to either close MBAM or minimize it.

Even when my screen saver is on, once MBAM has completed it scan, the notification box (that says the scan has completed) would appear in front of my screen saver.

Does anyone know what's going on?

I have MBAM v 1.46. Vista SP2. Thanks a lot.

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Hi -

Even when my screen saver is on, once MBAM has completed it scan, the notification box (that says the scan has completed) would appear in front of my screen saver.

The program will tell you once it has finished scans that either the scan was clean or it detected an item to remove - You can minimize it and the scan will run unless you cancel it - If you have the paid version , cut back on the scans per day - It only needs a Quick Scan once or twice per day , not every hour - If using the free version , just shrink it and it keeps running - This is a bit odd that you have it always on top , as I am doing an update as I type , but the program is running behind this screen and I will only get told once the update is complete -

I just clicked to the side of MBAM and it is hidden as I type - Now it has told me that the update is Version 4465 and MBAM is still in the task bar -

Check your updates and let me know if this still continues -

Thank You -

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Thanks. I updated my MBAM DB again, and it still remains as the topmost window (ie/ unless it is minimized, it covers up other windows even when I click on other windows).

Is there anything I can check besides reinstalling MBAM? I just reinstalled it last week, and hadn't seen this problem after the re-installation until now.

I can just minimize MBAM but I'd like to make sure that there's nothing wrong, and MBAM is really working.

Thanks for your help.

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Hi -

You can always try the Un/Re Install option - Remember to use the Clean.exe item and the reboots - Here it is for you -

Windows Vista and Windows 7:

  • Click on the Start button and select Control Panel
  • Click on Programs and Features
  • Uninstall Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
  • Restart your computer very important !
  • Download and run mbam-clean.exe from Here

It will ask to restart your computer, please allow it to do so, very important

After the computer restarts, temporarily disable your Anti-Virus and install the latest version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from Here

Note: You will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent via email if using the Paid version only

Launch the program and set the Protection and Registration. Then go to the UPDATE tab if not done during installation and check for updates.

Restart the computer again and verify that MBAM is in the task tray if using the Pro version. Now reset any file exclusions as may be required in your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security/Firewall applications and restart your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security applications.

You may use the guides posted in the FAQ's here or ask me and I'll explain how to do it.

Thank You - ;)

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I don't have access to a Vista machine right now but see if you can find a setting somewhere that specifies whether or not Malwarebytes should always be on top. This could be the reason for that happening, if such a setting was checked off in the Malwarebytes interface.

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Hi -

If you followed the directions I left , then it is an Un/Re Install

Your copy of the program was just playing up - Not unusual , that is why the directions are as written -

Hope all is OK , please post back if there are any other problems -

Thank You -


Just keep the program updated - Current is Update Version 4473 -

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