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Rogue was fixed...FINALLY!!


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I was hit yesterday with this 'new' rogue (antivirusxp 2008) which infected my pc with everything from browser hijacking to just name a few.

This program was the ONLY one that removed this nasty (which defender,spybots&d,avast av, and the list goes on) didn't touch or the 'nasty' kept coming back and I can't say how valuable this program is!! ;)

I didn't lose my internet connection but I ALLWAYS keep the 'winsock fix' (google it) handy (as I have learned the hard way) to restore the connection especially when spy/ad/malware are removed.

Again......Many Thanks


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I did also get rid of my "problem" whatever it was? maybe the same as this topic starter?... and it was your app that did it.

I just wanted to thank you for a nice app. I have one question though...

First a little description...

The malware hide my harddrives in "my computer", and all programs when clicking start button, it disabled task manager and system restore, no right click on desktop, a text VIRUS ALERT! to the right of the clock and also blocked websites that has something to do with security/antimalware.

I had some problems getting some things to work like the system restore and administrative tools. I wasn't first able to repair them with Dial-A-Fix but then i found a file called rstrui.exe.zottel in restore folder and after deleting that one Dial-a-Fix could repair the system restore function.

After running your app and Combofix and also a few AV and spyware scanners, I fond a lot of files that had that name after them... in both windows folder and program folder. It was like this. If there was a file called cmd.exe there was also a file called cmd.exe.zottel in restore folder there was rstrui.exe and also rstrui.exe.zottel and so on... I collected a total of 201 exe's and dll's with .zottel extension...

What are those .zottel files?

Any clues?

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