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I posted on the general forum explaining that my laptop had been infected with BankerFox.A. I have an Acer Aspire 3000 laptop with Windows XP Pro.

I printed out the instructions given in reponse to my questions.

Malwarebytes was on my computer, but in the process of trying to fix the problem, I had attempted to delete it and download it again, but about that time I lost internet access so was unable to reload it.

In safe mode and in normal mode I get the "cannot display the webpage" message. When I click the icon in the tray, it shows that I am connected to the internet. (I can access my email through Outlook.) The 'diagnose connection problems" says that this is probably caused by firewall settings and to check the ports 80, 443, and 21.

The pop-up boxes that kept appearing over and over have stopped. And I don't know why. I've done nothing that would have removed the infection.

What should my next step be?

Thank you.

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