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I see Tom took the low-road and locked the previous topic. Can soak up all the praise but Can't stand the criticism.

Tom....If you hadn't insulted me in your first e-mail you wouldn't have had to apologize.

Why are you sounding off to the general membership? I'm sure the majority neither know the whole story nor much care. We trust MBAM staff and helpers. Are you assuming we would trust a strangers words over folks we know and respect? That is an insult to a thinking person.

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You tell 'em Wayne! The staff of Malwarebytes goes out its way to explain things, as many times, and in as many ways necessary, to assist users and their problems no matter the user's level of understanding. :D


Not affiliated in any way with Malwarebytes except as a paid user of its product; a VERY satisfied user. :)

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