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Trouble installing 1.46

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I did a clean format and new installation of XP Pro, Avira and Sygate and wanted to add MB 1.46. The installation appears to complete, but when I allow it to automatically update and open the program at the end of the installation I get two errors, one after the other, with each error repeating itself a second time before they can be switched off. The errors can be seen in the screen shot.

Thanks for your help.


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Welcome Looby -

Your installation was completed but it may be your system refusing to accept some items - This is not uncommon, so we have a quick fix -

Please read Issue #15 Here in the FAQ area that gives you the solution that you want - It lists these 2 items -

If that doesn't fix it then please download and install the Microsoft Visual Basic Common Controls from Here to see if it helps.

Thank You -

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Noknojon,

I tried running the bat file listed in the instructions for "Issue 15" in the FAQs and the bat file simply blinked and went away - no error message and no confirmations. I tried the MS update for Visual Basic Common Controls which also didn't work.

I think what the bat file is supposed to do is to register some files. If this is correct, I believe there is another way to register files by going through Start > Run. Could you remind me what this is so I can try to register those three files manually?

I've been using MB for years with no problems. Would it help for me to go back to an earlier version of MB?



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Hello again -

If you wish , Version 1.44 can be downloaded from File Hippo - Here but when updated it will go directly to the latest version -

For this to work Uninstall from Add/Remove first , reboot , run mbam-clean.exe from Here it should also reboot , then continue -

This is not always the best idea , but I have left the link since it has worked at other times -

"File Hippo" downloads has all the previous versions , as well as the latest versions -

Note: If using a software firewall (like Sygate) besides the built in Windows Firewall you'll need to exclude MBAM.EXE from it as well

Note: Once that's done, please make sure that if either of those programs has any sort of web filter, that you add the following as a trusted site:


Please post back your results -

Thank You -

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Noknojon,

I tried uninstalling version 1.46 and got the same errors, but it seems to have uninstalled anyway. I then rebooted, ran the Clean Mbam.exe and rebooted. I then tried an older installation (1.4) which I had on my computer and which worked in the past. It gave the same two errors when it tried to install it, but installed anyway. At the end of the installation, I unchecked for it to update MB and only left Launch MB checked. When it tried to launch, I got the same two errors. .... very frustrated ;)

The regularity with which the error messages pop up, makes me think this issue is a file or setting in the registry. Is there any way to ensure that all the MB files have been removed? Since the error message reappeared when I tried to install a different version of MB, it appears that the Clean MB.exe didn't get rid of everything.

I would like to go back to my previous post. My understanding with the .bat file is that you were asking me to register certain files. These can be registered by a bat file, but they can also be registered using a command. I think to do this, you go to Start>Run and type in cmd / ok and then in the cmd promt, you enter a command which allows the registration of the dll's one at a time. I would like to try this and wondered if you could remind me what the command is to register files?



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sorry to double post

I got quite excited to see that I didn't have regsvr32.exe installeds, so I went to the download for this at Microsoft and downloaded their file regsvr32a.exe

I don't know what the a in the file name refers to. Anyway, after downloading the file to the System32 folder, I tried running the bat file again, again without any success.

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  • Root Admin

Microsoft does not provide any download of individual files like that except in hot fixes and service packs potentially.

Not sure what you downloaded but it's too is probably a fake file.

You can copy it from another computer running the same version of Windows that you have or get if from a Windows installation CD but otherwise any links for the file on the Internet should be considered quite possibly unsafe.

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Hi AdvancedSetup,

Whatever I downloaded, it had the effect that all the capital letter M's disappeared from my browsers if they were part of a link, so Malwarebytes at the top of the page here would appear as a blankspace followed by alwarebytes. It was bizarre! So I backed up a restore point and it returned to normal.

I have an XP-Pro cd that I use for clean installs, but (I feel stupid asking this) how do I find a specific file on the cd that I want to load onto my computer? Do I have to go through the recovery console? I know if the computer needs a file, you can put the cd in and it will go looking for that file, but in this case, the computer is not asking me for a file - it's me asking for a file.

I really appreciate you guys continuing to help me with this. I want to figure it out because I don't want to be without MalwareBytes. Not everything is easy though because I don't have an English language computer. That means that if I go to your FAQs, these are for English computers and there are some variations working with foreign computers that I don't think of right away. Like I don't have Program Files, so I have to think to change that. And Microsoft doesn't use the same KB numbers for foreign computers that it uses for the English ones, so if I go to download VisualBasic 6, I have to find the one that's meant for my computer. :):)

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Hi -

Run a ChechDisk scan with this code - Copy and paste it into the Run Box - It can take up to 30 mins to run - Have a coffee while it runs - :)

Close all programs after you enter the code as it will reboot your system in 30 seconds and then run a 5 stage check -


Thank you -


We can try a sfc /scannow check later for some files -

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi noknojon,

I closed all programs and clicked on Start / Run and entered the line of code you gave in post #9. My computer immediately responded that it was closing down at the request of "computer's name" (the installation name I gave it when I reformatted and re-installed the operating system). On reboot, it ran chkdsk and rebooted and got back to the desktop.

I then decided to go ahead and run sfc /scannow and it checked the entire os with the cd in the drawer, but didn't report anything at the end, simply finished. I don't know if sfc /scannow normally gives a report if it added or repaired anything and doesn't give a report if it did not add or fix anything. I can't remember.

I then decided I had run your code incorrectly, so I went to Start / Run and clicked on Ok and went all the way into the command prompt and entered the code. The computer again shut down immediately and when it booted back up, all my settings were gone with the information that my graphics driver was missing.

So I put the computer back to an earlier restore point and now I am back here with you.

Is your code correct for the scan you were wanting me to run?

When I followed your FAQ No. 15 to correct for the Errors I showed in my first post, I understood that I need to register three dll files. I'm unable to complete this step, because I don't have the normal system program under System 32 which allows me to do this (regsv32.exe (I think)). How can I get this program from my cd? Is it a normal program which comes with every XP operating system? I have regedit.exe, but not regsvr.

Thanks very much for your continuing help. I don't think I have a virus, but I would like to have MB working. It gives me the same errors whether I try to install it, uninstall it or open it. Quite ... a pain. :)

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Is your code correct for the scan you were wanting me to run?


If you mean the Disc Check code , then yes this is the only code I have for this procedure -

I also run XP SP3 on my desktop unit , and I have used this code (from my storage files) on many times -

I hope you excluded these items from your A/V and Sygate programs as well -

Note: If using a software firewall (like Sygate) besides the built in Windows Firewall you'll need to exclude MBAM.EXE from it as well

Note: Once that's done, please make sure that if either of those programs has any sort of web filter, that you add the following as a trusted site:


As in the post above from AdvancedSetup he is not sure about your missing/replaced file - sfc /scannow will tell you if there are problems -

I will get him or another expert to review this -

Thank You -

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Hi Noknojon,

I'm making some kind of progress, but not yet in the right direction.

I put an advanced rule in Sygate to always allow mbam.exe.

(I've never had to do this for Malwarebytes before even though I've used both Sygate and Malwarebytes together successfully for many years.)

I then tried to run Malwarebytes from the desktop icon and got a new error, which according to your list of errors, is called Error 707 (even though my error doesn't have a number on it). It's this one:


The system cannot find the requested file

I then checked my program files and I have two Malwarebytes folders and in one of these there is mbam.exe and mbamgui.exe

I clicked on mbam.exe in the folder to run it directly out of the folder and got the same error that I got when I tried running it from the desktop.

I then checked add/remove programs and Malwarebytes is listed as one of the programs. I tried to uninstall it and got the error:

unins000.msg is missing

please correct the problem or get a new copy of the program

I took the unins000.msg from the malwarebytes folder where there was no mbam.ex and copied it into the malwarebytes folder where mbam.exe is located.

I tried add/remove programs again and got the error message that unins000.dat was missing, so I moved that from the non-mbam.exe folder to the folder containing mbam.exe.

I tried add/remove programs again and got the error

Internal error: Cannot find utCompiledCode record for this version of the uninstaller.

I rebooted and tried add/remove programs one more time but simply got the most recent error again. I wondered if I'm unable to uninstall because of running mbam-clean from my first uninstall?

I'm quite at a loss. I was unable to run the bat file, register the needed dll's, run the disk-check code.

Originally I was able to uninstall Malwarebytes, albeit with the original errors listed in your Issues #15, then run mbam-clean, and re-install malwarebytes.

Now I can neither uninstall it nor use it.

I wasn't quite expecting things to go this way. :):)

Thanks for your help.


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Hi again -

As we have been at this for about 3 weeks now I think it might be time to put it in the experts area -

You may not be infected , but they can also diagnose other problems at the same time - Just follow these instructions -

Please print out, read and follow What do I do now? , skipping any steps you are unable to complete.

The next step is post a New Topic Here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that

you're alerted when someone has replied to your post - Please allow at least 48 hours for a reply as the experts can get busy at times -

Also add a brief note to the experts as to your problems -

Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org or via This Link

Always use the ADD REPLY Tab at the bottom of the page when you reply -

Thank You - :)

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Hi noknojon,

Please do not abandon me yet, because I've made further progress. I don't think this is a virus problem. I did a repair installation of Windows XP (which took care of the missing regsvr32.exe) and will be starting with the updates shortly.

I want to ask if I can install Malwarebytes over my existing copy of Malwarebytes and get the uninstaller back that way?

If so, do I need to use the same version of Malwarebytes or would that matter with regard to the uninstaller program?


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Hi Noknojon and Firefox!

woooohooooo!!! free at last!

I re-installed MB 1.46 over the old one and got the same two errors shown in Post #1 (Runtime Error 0 and Runtime Error 440), but I was able to complete the installation after I clicked on ok for each error. I rebooted and tried MB again, was able to update it and run the quick scan with NO ERRORS!

I think something changed when I did the Repair installation of Windows. I wish I could tell you for sure, but in any case, I wanted to let you know that it works now and I'm HAPPY!!

:) :) :)


Thanks for everything!

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