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Could someone please tell me why you have to be an honorary member or higher to edit your posts? If there actually isn't a good reason for that, I really think that it should be available to everyone.

And there should be a feature on the site to track your topics you made. Because sometimes, I forget if I made a topic or not about this and that.

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Your post count has to be at least 50 or above before you to get access to edit your posts. There are probably several reasons for this rule, but the main one is, if a new person signs on to get help for Malware removal, we do not want then to have the ability to change their post, so that we can see all the issues they are having, and not make changes after the helper already started helping them.

We already have the ability to track your topics. When you create a new topic, in the options sections you have to put a check mark on....

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