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on my laptop, i just installed fiddler 2. so i opened fiddler and then i decided to uninstall it so then i ended the process using the task manager and then uninstalled it. in the middle of the uninstallation, it said something about fiddler is running or what ever and then it uninstalled. so i opened firefox and there was something wrong with my internet connection saying something about my proxy or what ever. and ie8 wouldnt load any pages. so i ran the kaspersky system restore and it pretty much didd nothing so i rolled back. i reinstalled the fiddler 2 and in the middle of the installation, it said something about fiddler still running. so after the installation, i opened fiddler, and then properly closed it by pressing the "x" button. now Internet and firefox are now working, but i am not sure if i uninstall fiddler again, i will get some weird proxy errors... so what should i do??? i am really worried if i start getting weird errors.

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