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last suggestion from me


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again, could you add a feature to delete logs automatically in log tabs. So, users doesn't have to open GUI > logs tab > delete manually. That will save time and let MBAM does it.

I think its not hard to implement :(

I'm flying to Europe and Middle East for 2 months. I HOPE that my proposed three suggestions can be implemented in next build of MBAM when I return :(:(

password protected

blocked IP detail report


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This could be added to the right-click menu of the system tray icon, ie make it available on the paid edition only while leaving the Delete and Delete All options where they are.

I'm not that bothered one way or the other but I can see its convenience.

On a different note I'd like to see the wording Start Scanner changed to Open Scanner in that options list. Would reflect what actually happens!

"...just my two cents' worth".

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if the password protected feature not yet implemented, I think its very risky where you may need some logs to look at. I'm talking about to delete logs automatically on the given period.. Unauthorized person can remove some or even all of the logs by right clicking tray icon.

I'm not suggesting to remove "delete" and "delete all" buttons, just add a option beside them. :(

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There is an option not to save scan logs, but it doesn't affect protection logs, which is good from my point of view from a troubleshooting/diagnostics standpoint. I think having the options to clear out the logs every x# of days or something would be a good idea though and I'll pass it on to the developers :(.

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