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comodo internet security.

mbam daz.

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hello all.im currently using comodo internet security.but the thing is that some of the entries in these forums are seriously putting a doubt in my mind.apparently comodo has a shady past involving malware vendors and issuing them with valid ssl certificates.this to me is not a good advocate of trust!! and recently it has been revealed by the malware research group that comodo cannot protect against malicious scripts which is rather dis-appointing.overall it has provided me with adequate protection so far .but after seeing some of the comments on these forums about moderators leaving and in=house mistrust within the company i am seriously thinking about using alternative security.im leaning towards kaspersky at the moment as the russian company does seem to be stronger both within the company itself and its public persona and im sure if comodos public image improved then they would be able to regain back some of the trust they are losing at the moment.they seem to have lost their way ethically and professionally.

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@mbam daz.

Yeah, I'm personally not a fan of Comodo... mostly for the reasons you stated and then some... plus I had a huge pain removing it from a machine due to a broken installation (granted, that wasn't necessarily Comodo's fault) and that annoyed me of course...

I use Kaspersky (after being a long-time AVG user, also have used Norton and McAfee in the past) and I love it!

Let me know if you have any questions about Kaspersky! I'll do my best to help!

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hi there.yes thank you for the reply.ever since seeing that video by MRG ive been seriously considering using kaspersky.ive actually been in contact with chris pickard who conducted that "test" and he seems to genuinely want to help comod o fix the issue.but apparently comodo have been totally un=professional in their attitude which is a pity as i do like comodo and if it has a security issue then they should co=operate to resolve it.yeah im going to try kaspersky but people do say its a resource hog.all the best and thanks.

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Hi mbam daz. :)

Not trying to be a pain but would you mind using capitals at the beginning of your sentences? And also having a space or two between your period at the end of sentences and the beginning of your new sentences? That'll make your posts much easier to read.

Thanks :)

So yes - Comodo has been involved in some shady behavior to say the least, and that has tarnished them in my opinion and I would not use them or recommend that anyone else use them as a result... plus they don't have very good detection rates last I looked into it (hopefully the detection rates have improved since I last checked but I don't know).

As for Kaspersky being a resource hog, it has been in the past. Right now it is behaving very well on my system (and I did have some struggles with it before) despite me only having 512 MB of RAM. So in my opinion, it is really not much of a resource hog at all :)

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Alrighty :)

You're welcome! Don't forget to uninstall Comodo and restart your computer before installing Kaspersky.

Thanks for changing your typing style, much easier to read :)

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I just think they're kinda shady, and I don't think the detection rates are all that great (last I looked into it, hopefully they've gotten better since).

I can give you some links tomorrow - I am getting offline shortly.

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