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Scanning archives via context menu

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Question regarding scanning zips/rars/7zip - When scanned via the context menu (right click archive to scan with malwarebytes), the results always show only 1 file scanned, whereas within the archive there are potentially thousands of files.

The report would indicate that the whole archive has been scanned (1 file), and that no decompression takes place to scan all the individual files within the archive - Is this in-correct?

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Hello w33d3r,

I will leave a reply from a MBAM staff in another post to answer your question -

[...] Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware doesn't currently scan archives (zip, rar, ace etc) because it only looks for active infections. I do believe the developers have mentioned that they do plan to implement scanning within archives at some point in the future though, although I do not know when.

Please post back if you have further questions.

Thank You B)

PS Please use the "ADDREPLY" t_reply.gif button at bottom of forum window instead of other ones when you start replying. ;)

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Hello w33d3r,

I will leave a reply from a MBAM staff in another post to answer your question -

Please post back if you have further questions.

Thank You :)

PS Please use the "ADDREPLY" t_reply.gif button at bottom of forum window instead of other ones when you start replying. :)

Thank you - No further questions, I am not going to bug anyone with further requests if it has already been made, mbam programmers are doing a brilliant job of making this a good cure for any ills I have found so far. When they are ready or deem it more of a necessity I am sure they will implement it.

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