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As others have instructed, I managed to (finally) remove Antivirus XP 2008 (correction, not 2000) from my machine using the combination of SpyBot Search & Destroy and Malwarebyte Anti-Malware. Thanks to everyone in this forum!

But I wanted to note that it was not fully removed until I ran MBAM after updating the database, also as directed. However, I could not update the MBAM database either through the program or manually using the download from any of the possible sites. Downloading the update on a 2nd computer, then installing it on the infected computer resulted in MBAM not functioning and telling me I was using an incompatible database.

In order to fully remove this virus files, I had to first run MBAM without the update. After that, the virus was still present, but I was able to auto-update MBAM with the new database through the program. With the new database, it was then able to completely remove the infected files after a clean boot.

This begs the question - why isn't the update incorporated into the main MBAM download? It's not a brand new update.

Regardless, thanks again to Malwarebyte and everyone on this forum. I'm buying the full version and also backing up more often!



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Viruses change all the time. The database is packaged (to my understanding) with every release of a MBAM version (1.24, 1.25, etc). The update to remove the other parts of this infection were likely not available in the database packaged with the version, hence the need to update.

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I'm guessing you mean XP Anitvirus 2008 or maybe even 2009 since that is the latest version of this trojan. I would suggest you still have someone look at your logs. http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936 follow those instructions and someone will be happy to help you.

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