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Yesterday after updating to the latest database including Shuriken heuristics, on reboot I got a Malwarebytes "possible threat" message listing "heuristics.Shuriken" and i quarantined it. Now I read its one of "ours" but since then all hell has broken out on my PC. Firefox hung on a snapfile.com download of PC Tools Antivirus and it will not restart. Neither will Opera. The only browser currently in service is IE7. It could be coincidental but wanted to report it.

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Hi G Larry,

Please if possible restore the file from MBAM quarantine and then zip and attach it to a reply.

Thanks in advance ;)

Sorry. I already deleted it from quarantine before I found out it was friendly. Am trying restore point, drive restore, etc. to see if I can get my PC (esp. FireFox) back to normal...


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Sorry. I already deleted it from quarantine before I found out it was friendly. Am trying restore point, drive restore, etc. to see if I can get my PC (esp. FireFox) back to normal...



I did C: restore from bu server and all is good; found a rogue SKYPE.EXE file in my Doc Settings App Data section (suspected it yesterday as I do not use Skype); malwarebytes id'd it as bad saying heuristics.Shuriken for both the program file and the registry entry... only option was to remove, so rather than risk another episode I did that. I guess that is the file the software found yesterday but did not identify it by name (Skype.exe)... if it comes back, I'll send it along for analysis. The doc/settings file date for the skype entry was 6/17 ... not sure if I've had it that long or if it picked a random earlier date....

Anyway...keep those updates coming! Thanks all.

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  • 11 months later...

I got a Malwarebytes "possible threat" message listing "heuristics.Shuriken" in my AutoCad 2002 backup Setup file that I had copied directly from the CD. Is this a known false positive. Should I delete the file or leave it alone.

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Ok, here it is. But now that I look at it - it may actually be something wrong. It is a very small exe 14KB and there is another file in the same folder called Windows Installer Package that is 4MB (more like what I would expect). This may be something that was randomly put in this folder. Anyway it is attached. Please let me know if it is a real threat.

JoeAutoCad Setup.zip

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