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A guy wearing a Detroit Lions jersey walks into a bar, carrying a cat.

The cat is also dressed in a little Detroit jersey.

The guy says to the bartender, "Can my cat and I watch the Detroit Lions game here? My cable is out, and my cat and I always watch the game together."

The bartender replies, "Normally, cats wouldn't be allowed in my bar, but it's not very busy right now, so you and the cat can have a seat at the end of the bar. But, if there's any trouble with you or the cat, I'll have to ask you to leave."

The guy agrees, and he and his cat start watching the game.

Pretty soon Detroit manages to kick a field goal and the excited cat jumps up on the bar, meows loudly, runs over to the bartender and gives him a high-five.

The bartender says, "Wow, that's pretty cool! What does he do for a touchdown?"

The Detroit fan answers, "I don't know. I've only had him for 3 years."

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