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Malwarebyte's abilities?

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I want to purchase a program that will not allow malware/adware/spyware to install itself on my computer. I don't know if the full version of MWBAM has an active scanning function. If not, is there a partner program to MWBAM that will do this? I've been infected with malware 11 times in the last 2 weeks, on three different computers, doing completely random things on the internet. I have a Firewall (set to Med.) on my Modem/Router, and Another on each of the PC's (although it is the standard Windows Firewall). I have been running this setup for 10 years, and have never been infected with this much malware this fast. I undestand that scareware is the latest trend in the business, and I want something that will 100% block things that install themselves without me knowing.

thanks guys. :rolleyes:

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I want to purchase a program that will not allow malware/adware/spyware to install itself on my computer. I don't know if the full version of MWBAM has an active scanning function. If not, is there a partner program to MWBAM that will do this? I've been infected with malware 11 times in the last 2 weeks, on three different computers, doing completely random things on the internet. I have a Firewall (set to Med.) on my Modem/Router, and Another on each of the PC's (although it is the standard Windows Firewall). I have been running this setup for 10 years, and have never been infected with this much malware this fast. I undestand that scareware is the latest trend in the business, and I want something that will 100% block things that install themselves without me knowing.

thanks guys. :rolleyes:

Do you have an updated Anti virus program? Are all windows updates done for your OS? There is no foolproof or perfect solution, however, with a good AV and MBAM paid edition with real time protection you can reduce your chances to be infected by a large amount.

MBAM works nicely with most well respected AV's but occasionally you may need to add exclusions to some AV's regarding MBAM.

Are you sure your previous infections are completely gone? We can help you with that.

Also have you read the sticky post just above these threads? "How did i get infected in the first place?" ....... http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=9365

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