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Greetings. I ran MWB on my laptop and it found a BHO trojan. I cleaned the

files with MWB and rebooted as requested. On reboot I ran in to the BSOD

immediately after the XP Pro splash screen, error is '0X08e win32k.sys'

I can boot with XP disk and another XP ERD but the restore option is not

available (WMI files missing). Cannot boot in safe mode, etc.

Has anyone seen this before? My research on BSOD shows this can be

caused by anything from malware tot hardware.


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Greetings. I ran MWB on my laptop and it found a BHO trojan. I cleaned the

files with MWB and rebooted as requested. On reboot I ran in to the BSOD

immediately after the XP Pro splash screen, error is '0X08e win32k.sys'

I can boot with XP disk and another XP ERD but the restore option is not

available (WMI files missing). Cannot boot in safe mode, etc.

Has anyone seen this before? My research on BSOD shows this can be

caused by anything from malware tot hardware.


Sadly, thats a very vague BSOD error; as you've noticed. Can you retrieve a bootlog?

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Sadly, thats a very vague BSOD error; as you've noticed. Can you retrieve a bootlog?

Thanks, Raid.

It is sad... Grrr... :-)

I took a look at the botlog and the system is blowing up at blackdrv.sys. There

is some information out there that reports this as malware. I am running BlackIce and

it looks like it may have used and abused my malware.

I'm leaning towards wiping the laptop at this point.


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