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Still need help!

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Hello, I have posted here before on how to stop browser redirects. I recieved a lengthy analysis from MBAM forum member Kenny94, http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...=58546&st=0

I reset the router, and changed passworeds.I have reformated and installed a fresh OS. The problem is still happening. I am at wits end ith this. All the computers in my house suffer the same thing. I tried to update MBAM on my brother's computer and it would not let me, just as I expected. But then we took his computer to his friends house and connected to the internet there. From there he was able to update MBAM, and other AV and anti-malware programs as well. They detected and deleted numerous virus and malware. Why is it only at my router we suffer from this? If anyone can give me more info please. :)

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This sounds indeed like a router issue.

Did you backup any data which you restored and/or do you use a shared drive/folder for your computers?

Can you bypass the router for one of the computers (i.e. plug in the cable that normally goes in the router directly into your computers LAN port) and see if the issues still persist?

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Well my router is a NETgear ADSL2, and it doesnt have a pinhole sized button to reset it. So I looked on the website and it said to unplug it for two minutes, and hold down the power button. I did this and it reset to where i had to enter the default login and PW (i.e. admin, password) I went in there and changed the password. After that I couldnt connect to the internet and had to call my isp to get me back online they gave me a random PW and now it works again.

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My brother's computer is the only laptop that connects to our router. He is not here right now, but we did take it to a friend's house the other day, and while there were still pop ups, he did manage to update all his AV programs, which at our house , is impossible.

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Could you provide me with the exact model of your router (including nr. and so on). That way, I can see if I can find an online manual for it and check what would be the proper reset-to-factory-settings way.

However, since this is a DSL router, you will need indeed some data from your ISP. For example, I have the same connection, if I were to reset my router, I need to access it and enter my ISP's username and password first.

For that reason it would be good (if you didn't do it already) to contact your ISP and explain the situation and ask them how to properly reset the router in order to get rid of any possible infections (unfortunately not all ISP's are very cooperative).

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