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MOTO Droid-X users only


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Hello all

My verzion 2yr.contract is coming to an end soon and been looking at/researching the DroidX real hard to the point of getting this phone.

Are there any DroidX members here, and could you share your good/bad experiences with me and potential new DX users. Thanks. :)

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CONGRATS on your promotion(?) to Rogue Reporter!

I like that Droid-X phone.. a lot.. What's VERIZON charge for an "all-you-can-eat" plan with unlimited data, voice, web and e-mail??

Just curious as I can't justify the phone (my non-technical wife uses "our" cellphone 99% of the time so it'd be a waste :P) but surely do admire it. ;)


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CONGRATS on your promotion(?) to Rogue Reporter!


1/09 was me promote and Thanks :P

For me it would be like a new toy plus the size of the screen would fit me old eyes. Could be about $80 us bucks a month for the phone plan & data package

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1/09 was me promote and Thanks ;)

For me it would be like a new toy plus the size of the screen would fit me old eyes. Could be about $80 us bucks a month for the phone plan & data package

I guess that shows how observant I am.. I never noticed it before. :) Well; I may be 20 months late but Congrats anyway. (Maybe I was having a senior moment??)

$80 sure beats AT&T's various plans. The Droid-X is 4G too?? Streaming movies; fun, fun...

Sorry for the late congrats... (shaking head... I can't believe I never noticed before. :P )


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