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The likelihood of two false positive pregnancy tests?

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Guest ronzomsh

OK, Big Breaths... The wife took two pregnancy tests and both came up positive. What is the likelihood of two positive tests in a row? I don't want to get TOO EXCITED just yet


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We need more facts. How many users are there and tell us if they have limited or elevated privileges (this will allow us to determine if a possibility exists to get started by using either a floppy or a hard disk with basic input/output?

Are you now using, or have you ever used an external hard disk? If so, when and how many.

Tell us the size of the internal hard disk and how old it is (they become unpredictable after years of use)?

What about peripherals...was everything inserted in the proper connection receptacle for this testing session?

...and most importantly, have you made certain that you haven't discombobulated the fragistat? :)

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