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Just a heads up to those looking for that elusive trojan.

After struggling to get MBAM to update for days & several download attempts, I happened across the IP settings in my MODEM that were set to an eastern block IP address. (DNS relay had been configured?)

So all my stuff was going via another IP, which is a worry.

We rebooted/reset & repassworded the modem and then MBAM started to update again.

Is this a backdoor way to filter MBAM being updated?? or coincidence.


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Hi garrynt -

This is not unlike the problems of BobF4 and dantana with modem problems - Link below shows the problems (now solved) -


Your situation though seems more like you have had a Rogue infection and it has reset your modems IP -

Many infections will reset your browser and modem/router to redirect your traffic -

Have you also contacted your ISP in regards to this item - They should show almost no traffic from you through their system -

Have you now reset Malwarebytes using the Un/Re Install method to suit your system and made sure your A/Virus is updated -

If not please do it now - Use this link posted by Firefox earlier - - http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...st&p=291434

Also make sure you update Malwarebytes and run a Quick Scan , then do the same with your antivirus -

Thank you

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