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hi guys, my colleague (jack) is under the impression that malwarebytes only detects 'spyware'. reason being that AVG missed a couple of samples which malwarebytes detected so am thinking he has got that old school impression that antiviruses dont detect spyware. so can someone comment on this situation? i am pretty sure malwarebytes targets all types malware and not just spyware hence the name MALWAREbytes, am i correct? many thanks

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Hi treehouse (and Jack) -

Malwarebytes , as the name implies , is mainly a Malware detection/removal program -

If you have followed any of the topics here then you will find that we require you to have an Antivirus program with our program -

Spyware / Viruses / Trojans / Malware are all of a basically related section of infections - - Wiki Definitions

One of the major infections we prefer to head towards are the Rogue Malware type of infections that your A/V will not concentrate on -

Many of these are listed in our section called Self Help Removal area and are mainly the Rogue/Fake Infection variety -

If you enter Malware into Wiki search it includes many areas of infections , from Spyware, to Joke infections, to Trojan Droppers , to Rogue Infections ,

and many others - It is a vague distinction between many of these -

Each program seems to turn towards a certain variety of infections , where we try to cover most infections and infected sites -

You can read a variety of items in our infection removal area (HiJack This Forum area) -

Our recently introduced paid version will not allow access to sites that are Known to be infected (from our internal base and other industry sources) -

This answer can take a full page but this is a basic outline only -

We have for years (and still do) offer a free (and great) Malware cleaner program for home use and this will continue to operate for the forseeable future -

We also a free infection diagnosis/removal area for our members (free and paid users) that many forums/companies charge for -

This program is not 100% foolproof , and no program ever will be, but we do our best by updating 2-3 times every day -

Also please read this - About Malwarebytes

Thank You -

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