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Current Database Information Date

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I reinstalled and reset all, still showing yesterdays date. I seem to remember noticing this a while ago but thought it was just a bug and would be fixed in an update. As I said, not a problem. Thanks noknojon.

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I manually updated at 9.47 this morning and the date is correct. A scheduled scan at 4.50 this morning did not change the date. Does this date update with my system clock (GMT) or server? maybe this is the cause.

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Hi Kidd -

It should be related to Your internal computer clock only - That is why I asked you to check yours , AM v PM etc -

I live in Australia and although the updates are listed in US times (one day behind me) the updating times will still relate to my computers internal clock -

Your experiences in the UK will be similar due to the time difference only -

Thank You -


My M/soft Security Essentials scans and updates are set for 5PM local and that is when they are done -

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I'm using M/B paid v1.46, on the 'Update' tab the date is always 1 day behind. Not really a problem but I'm a bit of an 'Adrian Monk' and like things perfect! :) :)

It may be because of your GMT timeline. My HOSTSMAN dates are always shown as the next day's date and I think John has some program that updates with yesterdays date. YOUR day starts 5 hours ahead of MY day so we could both update at the same time and you could have tomorrow's date while I have today's date at a particular time relative to GMT or Zulu.


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