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Malwarebytes installs but won't open

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I'm running Windows XP SP3 and I'm infected with Antivirus 2008, PCCleaner, have the "VIRUS ALERT!" in the taskbar, among other things I probably have. Malware installed including mbam.dll, mbamext.dll, and vbalsgrid6.ocx but it won't open. I click on it, get the hourglass icon for a few seconds then nothing. I've tried renaming the .exe but the same thing happens.

Please help. Thanks!

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Was the machine running in safe mode or normal? I would try it in safe mode first then graduated to nornal mode after the reboot.



I've tried installing and opening in both safe and normal modes. It installs in each, but doesn't open.

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  • 5 months later...

sorry to bump an old thread.

I have this problem. I have a bunch of virus's mcafee is picking up, but I don't believe Mcafee blocks this program anymore since it runs on the computer I am posting from.

I tried the "c:blahblah.exe" /developer . same problem won't load. Tried it i safe mode/regular.

I am pretty sure I have the Vundo or antivrius2009. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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