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Random-named Installer

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As I remember, there used to be a download URL that gave one a randomly-named MBAM installer,

which installed and ran mbam under a random name.


The URL was very useful. I have tried it twice in the last 10 days, and it doesn't seem to work anymore.

Anybody know why? Will it come back?

I have no problem renaming things myself, but I was just wondering why the URL doesn't work...

Thanks for any answers in advance.

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Welcome guygo -

This New Link below may give the information you are looking for - Our Forum board was recently altered slightly , this may be the fault in your link -

The new link will not show the diagrams previously listed , but it still gives the relevent information -


Thank You -

EDITED by noknojon to include the revised link -

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Welcome guygo -

This New Link may give the information you are looking for - Our Forum board was recently altered slightly , this may be the fault in your link -

The new link will not show the diagrams previously listed , but it still gives the relevent information -

Thank You -

Thanks. However, when I go to that link, I get to the sentence

"Easy workaround is, download a randomized renamed mbam.exe version from here."

with the "here" being the same link as I provided in my initial post. And unfortunately it is still broken. Check it out.


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