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it was running ok evin got rade of a cuple things for me but thin it would just stay in drive c and not go to the other drives

so i uninstald it and reinstald it and it will still just stay in drive c if on start up i unchak c thin it will scan the others with out eny trable

it gets its updays evry time i use it

would it help to reinstal it agin

if i lit it go it will run and run in c

i did one time and it ran for 15 hr still in c drive

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  • 6 months later...
Unfortunately not at this time. Each computer on the domain has to have the protection module activated with a unique code.

Is there any plan to incorporate something like this in the future? Some sort of console that could be used to centrally schedule scans and updates would really be useful. This and the ability to update for non-admin level users would be great. These types of features would really help to attract more corporate users.

The product is awesome BTW.

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