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Not getting mbam-log

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I notice that when I schedule a scan using the programmed scheduler, I only get protection-log, never mbam-log. This is a bit troubling since protection-log only tells me the scan started successsfully. I need mbam-log to see the results. THAT is the important thing!

I do suspect this problem can be fixed by checking "Perform scheduled scan silently from the system account." Because I have licensed copies installed in multiple locations and I notice I got the mbam-log ONLY at the location where I had accidentally checked this option.

I'm OK with checking it at all locations but it seems rather counter-intuitive, and illogical, only to get the protection log, and not the "results log", when you don't check this option. Why not?

Also, somewhat minor suggestion but worth making: allowing editing of scheduled task. Right now if you edit the setting of an existing task, you need to save it as a new task and then delete the predecessor task, in order to make your changes take effect. The first few times I edited a task, I made changes, clicked "CLOSE" and assumed I had edited the task. In reality, I had just wasted my time since clicking CLOSE just erases all changes made. In principle, this makes sense but some kind of warning would be helpful here, maybe also an indication that there is NO edit function and that to edit a task you essentially need to copy it, make a new task and then delete the old one.

Great software overall, so don't take this so much as criticism as much as helpful suggestions!

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Greetings :)

Yes, there is a known issue with MBAM not creating logs when executed silently and it should be corrected when version 1.47 is released although I have no ETA on when that will be.

Thank you for the suggestion on editing scheduled tasks, I too believe it would be a good feature to have and I will pass it on to the developers.

Thanks for using our software to help protect your PC and thank you for reporting your issues and making suggestions. All the user feedback is much appreciated and helps us to make our products better :angry:.

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Yes, there is a known issue with MBAM not creating logs when executed silently and it should be corrected when version 1.47 is released although I have no ETA on when that will be.

Actually it appears to be the reverse. When I DO execute silently, I DO get the mbam-log. It's when this option is UNchecked I do NOT get the mbam-log.

Reassuring to know it's a known bug, though. Hope you can fix it soon!

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