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New to Malwarebytes

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I am new to Malwarbytes. My friend whom owns a computer company refered me to you.

I currently have a virus on my home computer called, HTML FRAMER.

My free AVG virus program will not take care of it.

My friend said to download MALEWAREBYTES.

I found MALWARBYTES (without the e) I hope this is the correct site.

Can I download this for free and also if I have AVG? Do I need to uninstal my AVG virus program? He stated that it was infected to. Whatever that means.

Can you help me with any questions about downloading this program and using it to help me rid my virus called HTML FRAMER?

Please let me know...


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Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes....

Below you will find the download links for the malwarebytes program, you are welcome to use the FREE version for home use. It is a full working copy. The Pro version is basically like the Free version except it gives you the ability to schedule automatic updates and scans, as well as the IP Web Blocker for your protection.

You do not need to uninstall AVG, as malwarebytes is not an antivirus program, it is designed to work hand in hand with your antivirus program.

Direct Download FROM HERE

Or you can use THIS LINK from cnet download should work okay until or unless they change it.

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Thank you,

I just got home from work and just downloaded the program and just ran the scan.

I did not do it in safe mode, don't know if I should have.

But the following is the log that came up after the scan...

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.46


Database version: 4317

Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3

Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18702

7/15/2010 9:57:56 PM

mbam-log-2010-07-15 (21-57-56).txt

Scan type: Full scan (A:\|C:\|D:\|E:\|)

Objects scanned: 181795

Time elapsed: 46 minute(s), 15 second(s)

Memory Processes Infected: 0

Memory Modules Infected: 0

Registry Keys Infected: 1

Registry Values Infected: 0

Registry Data Items Infected: 0

Folders Infected: 0

Files Infected: 0

Memory Processes Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Memory Modules Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys Infected:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Repair Registry Pro (Rogue.RepairRegistryPro) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.

Registry Values Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Data Items Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Folders Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Files Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

I don't know if the virus is removed or not.

How do I know?

Thank you in advance...


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I see you did a full scan, with the latest update, you have WinXP with SP3 and IE8, which seems you keep your computer updated.

The scan revealed one thing and I see you have Quarantined and deleted successfully.

If you want to make sure its gone, you can always run a quick scan (as that is all that is really necessary) and see if it pops up again.

Also make sure you have updated anti-virus software and you should be good to go.

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I try to keep my computer up to date but I don't do the automatic updates because of the Windows Genuine Advantage thing.

Question I have about the scan... my AVG virus... you mentioned I don't have to uninstall it. My computer friend told me that the HTML FRAMER virus has infected my AVG. What does that mean? Is my AVG virus scanner bad?

So is the virus in a virus vault or is it out of my computer?

I also noticed that the Malwarebyets scan (SOMETHING DIFFERENT) had a different titile than the AVG scan (HTML FRAMER)... just wondering if it was the same virus.

Thank you for all your help. I can't beleive it was that easy. Never heard of Malwarebytes before. I didn't have to do the turn off system restore - turn system restore back thing at all. Just scan the computer and it's gone? WOW!

Thanks again and let me know.


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Althought different virus programs and malware programs detect the same virus, they may all detect them as something different. The top anti-virus programs share information with each other to help fight viruses.

As for your AVG being infected I can't say really, you could always just un-install it, and install a fresh copy of it (latest version). There are other anti-virus programs you can use that are free as well, like Avast, Avira to name a few....

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(From Bleeping Computers infection repairing area)

Hello I got this off AVG today

Hello all,

please be informed that false positive detection "HTML/Framer" (www.google.com/recaptcha/api/js/recaptcha_ajax.js, BrowserCompAp.js) was already fixed with latest virus database update 271.1.1/3006 released 7/15/2010 6:44 AM CEST.

Please update AVG virus database and check the websites once again.

Apologies for any inconveniences.

Thank you



A False Positive is an item that shows as an infection , but is not an infection - Hence - False / Positive -

Note that Malwarebytes is not designed to run in safe mode - You should always use normal mode -

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Thank you again Firefox for all your help. Do I have to remove the virus now out of the quarentine section of Malwarebytes now?????????

Thank you Joe for the info. That's weird. So lots of folks got the same virus I did yesterday?

Thank you Noknojon for claification. Are you sure we can't run it in safe mode? My computer friend whom owns his own computer store next to my work here states that I should have run it is safe mode.

Thanks in advance everyone.

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My friend said to download MALEWAREBYTES.

I found MALWARBYTES (without the e) I hope this is the correct site.

Can I download this for free and also if I have AVG? Do I need to uninstal my AVG virus program? He stated that it was infected to. Whatever that means.

The first site you noted above is a fraud site and not the real site -

Well you have a few things to take back to your friend now - Just make sure your AVG is updated now -

Malwarebytes and most other infection removers MUST be run in normal mode (if they can be) - Among the reasons are the fact that many of Your files are not all opened in safe mode so the detection / removal part of the program will not find the infections -

You did not actually get the virus that was stated in your AVG scan - The one you removed with Malwarebytes was another one -

The Repair Registery Pro item is an infection that will upset your system , redirect your internet searches and cause a general slow shutdown of your system , unless removed - This Area lists about 100 similar infections and Self Help removal guides -

The item has now been removed from your system and has been " Quarantined and deleted successfully." as stated -

There is no need to do any thing else except to open Malwarebytes , Click on the Update tab every few days (2-3 updates per day) then run a Quick Scan -

Again feel free to ask for any other help if you want it -

Thank You - :)

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Thanks for all your help.

I am going to uninstal my AVG. Do I remove the virus's out of my virus vault first then uninstal? Or do I just uninstall it the way it is with the virus's in the virus vault?

Do you recommend me reinstalling AVG again (after I uninstal it) and use it along with Malwarebytes?

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Hi again -

Just remove the AVG program and all items in the "vault" will also be removed -

You will need an antivirus program to be installed , as Malwarebytes is not a full A/V program -

This site is good for making sure your old A/V is fully uninstalled - I use it often -

You can reinstall AVG if you like it , but I found Microsoft Security Essentials (free) to be as good or better these days -

The "live link" in my signature takes you to the download area if you want to try it -

Thank You -

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Thank you again Firefox for all your help. Do I have to remove the virus now out of the quarentine section of Malwarebytes now?????????

There is no need to remove it from the quarentine, as the virus is useless there, and can not harm your computer unless you went and restored the item. I tend to leave mine there for a while incase it may have been a false positive, I would be able to restore the item.

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