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A basic Hon Memb = 50 postings on the forum board -

One 'block' = Member (asking and looking)

You have 2 'blocks' = Regular Memb (you have been here for a while usually)

Elite Member 4'blocks' + and above are rated on number of posts (around 200-300 and general site knowledge)

2,000 posts 6 'blocks' = Forum Deity (can't keep them off the forum) General Pest :) (hopefully knows something)

Trusted advisor = Green men (schooled in computers and advice)

Rogue Reporters = :) Off Green

Experts = Blue People - The name says it all -

Moderators = Purple people eaters - Experts usually partly or fully employed by MBAM

ADMIN = Management - (company employees usually that kick bums)

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Here ya go coconutnut :) just a bit o fun with me first reply. :)

The numbers are posts amounts that are equal to said ranks.

  • New Member 0-49
  • Regular Member 50-99
  • Advanced Member 100-249
  • True Member 250-499
  • Elite Member 500-1499
  • Forum Deity 1500 +

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  • 3 months later...

Hi -

Now don't be grumpy at yardbird like that :) He is a nice guy -

50 posts on the board will make you an Hon Member (unless the bosses do not want you to be) -

It usually means you are interested enough to spend a fair bit of time here and either answer or ask quite a few questions (50 posts are quite a few) -

Thank You - :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here ya go coconutnut :P just a bit o fun with me first reply. :P

The titles are at the bottom of the main page:

Key: Administrator ? Moderator ? Expert ? Trusted Advisor ? Translators ? Honorary Members ? Rogue Reporters ? Malware Hunters

The blue/green/purple numbers are posts amounts that are equal to said ranks.

  • New Member 0-49
  • Regular Member 50-99
  • Advanced Member 100-249
  • True Member 250-499
  • Elite Member 500-1499
  • Forum Deity 1500 +

So if an expert becomes an elite member, then he becomes a trusted advisor?

And if he becomes a forum deity, he becomes a moderator?

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So if an expert becomes an elite member, then he becomes a trusted advisor?

And if he becomes a forum deity, he becomes a moderator?

Nope, the colors used by sho-dan in the above post for the number of posts doesn't mean anything. Number of posts has nothing to do with becoming a Trusted Advisor, Expert, Moderator or Administrator.

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Nope, the colors used by sho-dan in the above post for the number of posts doesn't mean anything. Number of posts has nothing to do with becoming a Trusted Advisor, Expert, Moderator or Administrator.

exile360 is correct, I just color coded to show the difference from "New Member up to Forum Deity"

I edit my original post to correct the confusion

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Experts are mostly people with high knowledge of windows, computers etc and how they work.

Trusted Advisers are people trained for malware removal.


So if I got training at one of the malware removal schools (which I'm trying to do; the guys at Geeks To Go didn't accept me for some reason :P ), I would become a Trusted Advisor?


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Yep. But you can't help during your training. That is against the rules(at all schools). This can take months to a couple of years to finish. I'm on level 2 at Geekpolice and been enrolled since july.

Like GeeksToGo says, until you complete the training, you know only enough to be dangerous.

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Like GeeksToGo says, until you complete the training, you know only enough to be dangerous.

That is correct. Helping could become more disastrous then the malware themselves. The tools experts use if used incorrectly could permanently kill the computer or may never work correctly.

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